November 27, 2010

On the wings of love

Origami Heart with wings.
This is easy and beautiful.
It is used a technique called "In Side Out".
"In Side Out" is famous skill that uses both the front and back of this paper.
So, two colors can be represented by a piece of paper.
It's wonderful, isn't it ?

And I posted how to make this heart on this page. Try it if you feel good.
I am praying that happiness visit you.

--- On the wings of love ---
The difficulty:**
Time to fold:5 minutes
Paper info:25cm * 25cm (Not cut anywhere)
Reference book:Origami Shin Sekai

November 24, 2010


Origami squirrel.
How to fold the squirrel exists variously.
I like this version.Because this is so pretty.
And this is so easy.I can fold it,5 minutes.

The difficult ☆☆
No cut and a square.15cm*15cm.
Reference book : Viva!Origami

November 22, 2010


Origami rat.
I do not understand the difference of rat and mouse.
Because rat and mouse are called "NEZUMI" in Japan.
Rat is bigger than mouse,right?

The difficult ☆☆☆☆
No cut and a square.25cm*25cm.
Reference book : Tanteidan Convention Book 10